Alexander Lumans was awarded a 2018 NEA Grant in Creative Writing (Prose).
He recently received a fellowship to the upcoming 2024 Arctic Circle Residency
in Svalbard, Norway. He was selected by Philip Roth as the Spring 2014 Philip Roth
Resident at Bucknell University. He also previously received a fellowship to the
2015 Arctic Circle Residency, where he sailed around Svalbard, Norway on a tall ship.
He has received support from MacDowell, Yaddo, VCCA, Brush Creek
Foundation, Jentel Foundation, Arteles Creative Center in Finland, ART:OMI,
the Ragdale Foundation, the Orchard House, the Hambidge Center, Blue Mountain
Center, ART342, Norton Island, and the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation. He’s been
awarded scholarships to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and the Bread Loaf Writers’
Conference. He received the 2015 Wabash Fiction Prize from Sycamore Review,
2013 Gulf Coast Fiction Prize, 3rd place in the 2012 Story Quarterly Fiction Contest,
and the 2011 Barry Hannah Fiction Prize from The Yalobusha Review. He also received
2016 and 2018 Colorado Career Advancement Awards.
His fiction has appeared in Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, Guernica
Joyland, Hobart, StoryQuarterly, TriQuarterly, Black Warrior Review, Territory, F(r)iction,
Sycamore Review, Greensboro Review, American Short Fiction, Bat City Review, Gulf Coast,
Cincinnati Review, Clarkesworld, West Branch, F(r)iction, Blackbird, Hobart, PANK, Joyland,
Forty Stories from Harper Perennial, and The Normal School, among many others.
He has published essays, poetry, interviews, and reviews in The Paris Review,
The Believer, Guernica, Off Assignment, Electric Literature, Glimmertrain, Public Books
The Los Angeles Review of Books, Colorado Public Radio, The Walrus, Sycamore Review,
American Short Fiction, The Collagist, Southern Humanities Review, Fiction Unbound,
New Orleans Review, Copper Nickel, and Cosmonaut's Avenue.
He works as an Assistant Editor for American Short Fiction. He graduated with
an MFA in Fiction from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He lives in Berlin.